In the month of march I have blogged regarding the same topic. Now I want to share a new typical case of Allergic Rhinitis and how I handled it successfully.
Mr. Abhilasha aged 25 came to me one month back on Sunday at around 11.30 am to my clinic at bangalore. He was a Software engineer native of Mumbai now working in Bangalore. His problems are
1. Nasal congestion while getting up from the bed
2. Continuous sneezing
3. Heaviness in the head
4. Body ache
5. Frequent throat infection
If eat cold items the problem will shoot up. He was living with these problems from last 2 yeras.
Now history of the patient
He born and brought up at Mumbai (Economical capital of India), now working in Bangalore (IT capital of India). Both cities climatic condition are different. He was adjusted to the hot weather of Mumbai but now this cold and pleasant weather of Bangalore (Pensioners paradise) is not at all suits him but some how he is managing.
His lifestyle
1. Very irregularity in food timing
2.Late night food
3. Evening heavy snacks
4. 4-6 ltrs of water consumption
5. Morning bath after having food
6. Usually eat cold stuffs
All of the above will hamper his digestive power which is key for our immunity.
Pathogenesis (How a disease develops):
When our digestive fire is low, food consumed wont digest completely and some semi digested material will start accumulating inside the body. This undigested material will start interfering in the other systems of the body. This will create an healthy environment for infections. They easily stay their and start the diseases.
If you know the cause and the problem then treatment is very easy because the diagnosis is very important.
My treatment to Mr. Abhilasha
First line of Treatment
1. Corrected his lifestyle by advising him
i. Three times a day at a particular fix time have to take food according to his digestive capacity. While having food one should have to feel hungry i.e. the earlier food should be completely digested.
ii. Have to take dinner before 8.00 pm and afterwards no food.
iii. Skip the evening snacks as it will hamper the dinner.
iv. Excessive intake of water is a major cause for allergic rhinitis. Water should be taken whenever necessary i.e. when we feel thirst. The hot water is always best.
v. One should not have to take bath after food. It is mandatory to take bath in empty stomach i.e. always better to take in morning time.
vi. Restrict cold stuffs.
Second line of treatment
1. I have prescribed him medicines to cure the disease.
In my next Blog I write about a treatment called "NASYA". It is one among the panchakarma treatments of Ayurveda.
If you want more information please write to me.