Menstruation is a natural process in fertile women. The menstruation
commonly starts at the age of 14(Menarche) and ends at 45(Menopause). This is a
monthly cycle in which 3-5 days bleeding per vagina will be there. 90% of these
women do have one or the other problem related with the menstruation. It may be
Preponement, Postponement, Pain, Heavy bleeding, Scanty bleeding, weakness,
nausea, vomiting, Headache, Sleeplessness, Constipation or diarrhoea, Acidity,
gaseous distention etc. Not only these physical signs and symptoms but the
psychological problems like mood swing, anger, depression, anxiety,
restlessness etc. In all these, “Pain” is widely affected problem. Still she bears
these pains and does her job (personal, professional, social) very promptly
without fail. We should salute her. This is my small gift to give her the
comfort which is need of the hour.
If we ask any doctor “What is
the cause behind all these problems?, “Hormonal imbalance” and the treatment
starts to balance the same. Have we ever gone beyond “Hormonal imbalance”? Have
we tried to find out the reason behind “Hormonal imbalance”? No. If yes very
few start finding the reason behind it and I would say they become successful.
The cause can be broadly classified into
the food we eat in this too fast life is the actual cause for all these
problems. The Pizza, Burger, Bakery foods, fried foods like Lays, Kurkure and
the food kept in the fridge. First of all these foods are heavy for digestion so
the undigested or semi-digested food block the healthy channels of the body.
The blocks will hamper the easy movement of body fluids, hormones etc. The
target organ will not get the adequate supply of hormone, blood and other
essential chemicals for their normal functioning. These in turn cause less
function or loss of function of the particular organs.
The next question comes to our
mind is what food we should have. Here we have to be very careful. The food
which is accustomed to us like ex. Costal Karnataka people have red rice, South
Karnataka people have ragi, north Karnataka Jawar etc. These foods are not only
accustomed but the environment is also suits them. If those people suddenly
change his/her food then the disease process starts. The pizza, burger are not
our part of meal. They definitely cause the problem.
3. Not only the food type but
quantity, time, preparation method all counts. Ex: Same food (ragi balls) if
kept in the fridge and used next day then it is again a poison for the body.
The food should be limited, fresh, Hot, Mixed
with or prepared by adding some ghee or oil will keep the body healthy and
improve the health.
Frequently having food – One
should not have anything before completely digesting the earlier food.
Life style
Late night sleep
Day time sleep
After having food running or
doing work or sleep
Having bath after food
More exercise
Not taking rest during the
Not following the regimen
during and after pregnancy
Preponement and postponement
Induced or forceful Abortion
D&C or D&E
Copper T
Hormonal pills
Hormonal injections etc.
These will affect the normal functioning and cause the menstrual
What is the remedy?
When we know the cause of the disease then it is very easy to cure.
So here I have given detail explanation about the problem. Next comes how to
find the relief?
Take adequate rest during the
Every day have oil massage bath
in empty stomach. But one should not take during the bleeding period.
Go to sleep early and reduce
the works which increases your physical strain.
Have the hot and fresh food
with sufficient amount of ghee or butter.
During menstruation if pain is
present then prepare 30ml decoction of Jeera (Cumin seeds) and add 1 tsp of
butter and drink sip by sip.
Have Jeera rice, ghee rice
which is fresh during the pain.
Take 1tsp of Jeera and fry it
with 10-15ml of ghee in low flame and them chew the fried Jeera along with
ghee. After 3-5 minutes drink 30 ml hot water.
Prepare the food adding small
quantity of castor oil or use castor oil for applying chapatti etc.
Have very hot water during
These are some of the home remedies which I have suggest to my
patients. They will benefit very quickly and you can feel the drastic change.
But these are not sufficient, a continuous medication is very
essential for which please visit any qualified AYURVEDA DOCTOR.
“Sarve janaha sukhino bhavantu”.
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